Wednesday, February 6, 2013

School Life at St. Barnabas

Last Week at St. Barnabas

Last week at St. Barnabas, I have been working on my learners in Grade 3 on addition.  We have been doing anything and everything from simple addition problems up to triple digit addition with and without carrying.  I have been trying to stress mastering their simple addition skills because almost all of my students were still drawing pictures on their papers and count on their fingers when I would ask them simple addition problems.  Then, they began to run in to problems where the sums (or even numbers) were bigger than 10 and they would become frustrated.  So, I've been incorporating mental math and simple addition problems in to my math routine every day as well as throughout the day with other smaller transitions and tasks. 

It is amazing to see the wide variety of abilities and levels of my learners now that I have been in the classroom for a couple weeks.  I have gotten to know them really well and have some great relationships with them.  As a matter of fact, I have an escort of about 20 kids going to and from my car to the classroom and back every morning and afternoon.  I've never been given more hugs, high fives, kisses and secret handshakes in the span of 6 hours.  Anyways…It is amazing to see the wide variety of ability levels in my classroom and I feel as though I am becoming so experienced with differentiation, learning how to pace my lessons and what should come next, etc.   There are some students in my classroom that still struggle with 2+0 and some who will finish their math independent work as I am writing the problems on the chalkboard.  I have learned to have back up challenge questions to entertain those students and as of recent, it is still not a challenge for them. 

As we have been getting in to more difficult math problems, I quickly realized that the students did not have any concept of place value, so I have had to do a couple intervention lessons on place value.  Since my learners now have a conceptual understanding of units (ones), tens and hundreds place values, introducing them to double and triple digit addition, with and without carrying, has been much easier. 

Aside from Math, I have been doing a lot of "impromptu" lessons.  I have been doing a read aloud almost once a day, sometimes even twice.  The students are so engaged and love to discuss the stories.  I'm sure it is something so different and new for them, as my classroom at St. Barnabas is not stocked with any books.  However, at the end of the week, we did get about 20 copies of a book that I will start doing shared reading with the beginning of next week.  The books are on bullies and I think it will a really great topic to discuss with my little friends. 

That book brings me to the next topic I have been stressing a lot in my classroom--respect!  It is almost second nature for students here to just start fighting and beating (as they call it).  They are quick to jump down another students' throat and will jump at any opportunity to prove they're the stronger one.  Therefore, I have been repeatedly going over the classroom expectations we set up the first day of school.  They are:
1.  Respect yourself
2.  Respect your classroom
3.  Be safe
4.  Be honest
5.  Try your best
Intertwined with these classroom expectations, I have made numerous "Look and See" anchor charts that show and say what it should look like and what it should sound like to be respectful to yourself, the class, the teacher, your pencil, your textbook, etc. as well as what it looks like and sounds like to be safe in our classroom and to try our best.  A lot of the students here are so dependent on the teacher to tell them what is right and what is wrong and I have been trying to encourage them to try their best and worry about only themselves, even if it is not perfect.  Needless to say, the constant reminder of how to be safe, respectful and try your best is something that many learners are not used to so I have had to stop many lessons numerous times for "mini lessons" on how "learners in Grade 3 act in our classroom." 

I have also started a behavior incentive in the classroom, which is also something very foreign to my students.  Throughout the day, I really focus on the positive behaviors that are happening.  And for every, single, little, minuscule, positive thing I see, I will put a smiley face up on the corner of the chalkboard.  However, if I have to countdown from 5 more than once or if students are beating each other or not talking respectfully, I will put a little frowny face up on the corner.  At the end of the day, we count up how many we have of each smiley face and turn them in to number sentences, often grouping by 10s or using strategies on how to find out how many more smiley faces they have than frowny faces.  Then, if the students collectively have at least 5 more smiley faces than frowny faces, they earn a class star.  Once they earn ten class stars, they will receive a "Secret Surprise" from yours truly.  They are so excited they can hardly handle themselves.  The surprise will most likely be an eraser or bookmark or even an extra five minutes at break time.  So far, they have been doing a great job and have only had one school day where they did not reach their goal. 

I mentioned earlier the lack of confidence many of my students have as well as being extremely dependent on their teacher.  I have been trying to do many things to change this and one of them is their morning greeting to me.  When I first arrived at St. Barnabas, the morning greeting would go as follows:

"Good morning, class!"
"Good morning, teacha."
"How are you this morning?"
"Fine, Miss.  How are you?"
"I'm great! Thanks for asking.  You may take a seat!"

Since noticing their lack of confidence, etc. I have changed that message and incorporated something from the book The Help.  Now, our message is as follows:

"Good morning, boys and girls!"
"Good morning, teacha!"
"How are you?"
"I am kind.  I am smart. I am important."

As I introduced this to them, we talked about what it means to be kind, smart and important and how important they were to me, how smart I thought they were and how kind I know they can be because I've seen them be so loving, helpful and kind.  Since then, they caught on right away to making that quote their morning routine and they absolutely love it.  And I love it.  It is a constant reminder to them that they matter in this world and that one day, they will grow up to be the future teachers, doctors, police officers and nurses of Namibia.  (Those are the occupations I most frequently get when they tell me they want to be every day.

These 37 little children are the lights of my life and will forever remember how deeply they have impacted my life not only as a teacher but as a person in general.  I know I am the one teaching them everyday but, my oh my, I am learning so much from these little balls of energy and I will be forever thankful for each and every single one of them.

Thursday, 01.31.13

Tonight was Jan and Paula's last night in Namibia, so we spent it out on the town!  We met up with Jan, Paula and her husband Steve at a restaurant called Andy's for some pizza.  The pizza was so delicious!  We ordered six pizzas that came out one at a time and I think we finished each of them as they were put on the table.  It was great to debrief our past month with Jan, Paula and Steve and talk about all the amazing, life changing experiences we shared altogether.  I can't believe January has flown by so fast and we are already halfway through this program!  Thinking about leaving this country, the people I've met, and most of all my little students, makes me choke up already!

After a delicious dinner of pizza, we took Jan and Paula out to karaoke at Dylan's.  Our group has gone to Dylan's the past couple weeks for a relaxing, fun night after a week of teaching.  We had so much fun going out with them and I hope they had just as much fun.  Paula and Steve sang "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5 and we all sang "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus.  After that song, we vowed that at least one song we sang at Dylan's every week had to have America or USA in it!  And last but not least, we definitely witnessed Jan dance to Gangnam Style!  I had only seen videos of it from her daughter, Lindsey, and now that I have a video of my own, I will have to send it to her! :)

Jan and I at Andy's!

The group before dinner by our pool! :)

The group at Andy's with Tickey! 

Mck and I before dinner

Paula and I after dinner!

The four of us! Kelli and I are Jan and Paula in 30 years ;)

My girlfriend and I, again

Friday, 02.01.13

Today we got up early and went on a hike at Dann Viljoen.  It is a game park right outside Windhoek where we hiked for 3 km and took in the beautiful scenery and kept our eyes open for wildlife.  We saw plenty of birds, kudus, red hartebeests, zebras and warthogs.  The park had its own warthog there named Oscar who was an orphan raised by dogs.  We were even able to go up and touch it--they are definitely not attractive animals!

Later on in the day, it was the time we were all dreading--Jan, Paula and Steve's trip to the airport.  Around 5, we sent them on their way with their very own snack packs and a little thank you note to let them know how important they are to us.  It was a little bit of a teary goodbye but I am looking forward to my last month here and I can't even fathom how much I will learn and grow in the next few weeks.

Saturday, 02.02.13

Today was our first day all alone in Namibia and the rest of the group spent the afternoon at the Maerua Mall shopping for dresses, skirts and teaching supplies.  Me? I spent the whole afternoon next to the pool reading a book all by myself :) I felt like I was on a vacation but it was really great to get that reflection time in.  Around 4:30, Scobie and I picked up the gang from the mall and we came home to get ready for the braai (Namibian BBQ) we were hosting.  It was the first time everyone in the house had spent time together and it was really good for all of us!  There were all the staff members (Shaun, Scobie, Tickey and Willy), all 12-13 Norwegians and the remaining 8 Americans (us).  Later on, some of our new Namibian friends came over as well as a group from America and another group from Norway and we danced around the pool and in the patio area of our house before heading to Vibe, a dance club in Windhoek.  It was really fun to listen to some new Namibian music, however, I think our group took the place by storm.  Between us and all the norwegians, I think we quadrupled the amount of people there.

On the other hand, today the Minister of Education in Namibia passed away, Abraham Iyambo.  The Namibian stated that he died of a stroke while on a business trip in London while it is rumored that he may have passed away due to complications with HIV/AIDS.  He was appointed the Minister of Education by Hifikepunye Pohamba (Namibia's 2nd and current President) in 2010 and prior to that, he was appointed the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources in 1997 by Sam Nujoma (Namibia's 1st President).  It is such an untimely death because of the recent change in Namibia's education system.   It will be interesting to be in Namibia, not only during the first year of free primary education for all students at public schools, but to be here as the nation copes with his death.  It will also be interesting to see how the government attempts to continue the education reforms that he had just put in place.  Abraham Iyambo was beginning to make great strides for the children and education in Namibia. 

Tomorrow, we just plan on preparing and organizing for another week of school!

Monday 02.04.13-Thursday 02.07.13

This week, we finished up with double and triple digit addition with carrying and I began working on simple subtraction  Like working on simple addition, I am really focusing on having my children master these skills.  If these skills are not mastered, they will never be able to easily do more complicated math.  I began with brainstorming different strategies you can use when trying to solve a subtraction problem.  I thought this was very important because I wanted my students to know that there wasn't one specific way to solve a problem and if you cannot solve it one way, there are multiple other strategies you can try.  This is also another way I have been trying to build self confidence and independence in my classroom. 

In my Arts lessons, I have been focusing on the five senses.  I found a great "Senses Song" on YouTube (lifesaver) and recorded it on to my phone.  The first day, I introduced the five senses and introduced the lyrics and actions to the song.  The kids absolutely loved it and I told him the following day I would bring in the actual recording of the song.  When I did, they were so engaged and were quiet enough to listen to it four times in a row!  In addition to the song, I have been playing a game with one of the five senses everyday.  On Monday, I played "I Spy" which dealt with sight.  Tuesday, I played a game with my "Magic Bag" that dealt with touch and Wednesday I played a tasting game.  Thursday the game focused on smell and next Monday I am trying to think of a game to deal with hearing. 

On Monday, we went to the computer lab!  I was excited to see what that was going to be like and was pleasantly surprised when we walked in to a classroom with 40 desktop computers--enough for each of my students to sit at their own computer.  However, as Mr. Mbai and I began the lesson, we quickly realized that probably only 15 of the computers worked so we ended up having 2 to 3 kids at a computer.  They spent the period playing either reading or math games and it was a great break for them to get out of the classroom.

I also had the opportunity to sit in on Mr. Mbai's Otjiherero lesson with my learners.  I could not understand a single word of what was said but I like to think I was starting to learn how to count in herero! ;)  Herero is one of the native tongues in Namibia and is taught in the primary schools here.  Many Himba and Herero people speak this language as their native language in Namibia, which English, Afrikaans, German or Oshiwambo being their second, third, fourth or fifth languages.

After school, I had to wait about 30 minutes for the van to pick me up but that was definitely okay.  I have mentioned before how much of an emphasis the schools in Namibia put on after school athletics.  They practice almost everyday after school for the big competition against other schools and the St. Barnabas athletics competition is next Tuesday so the learners have been getting really excited.  There are three teams--the Cheetahs, Elands and Zebras.  I have the great fortune of being on the Cheetahs team next Tuesday and I listened to the Cheetahs and Zebras yell their chants back and forth to each other.  It got me excited for the main event next week and I'm not even the one participating!  

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